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Head of School's Welcome,













Mr. S Sewlal
​Head of School

Our History

The Estcourt Government Indian School was opened on 1 February 1921 when the old prison in McFarlane Street was converted into a school. The “Prison School” closed down in 1934 and the present school became known as the Estcourt Government Indian School which was built on land purchased by a joint contribution of 150 pounds each by the local Indian public and the Natal education department.


The school became a high school in 1959 with 17 students sitting for the Junior Certificate Examination. In 1965 a group of 13 students wrote the first ever Natal senior certificate examination (matric). On 19 September 1978 a meeting of parents took place to vote for a chnge of name and the new name of Drakensberg secondary was adopte d in 1980.


Thus far the school has had five extensions and caters for an enrolment in excess of a thousand learners.

Mission Statement

We, the parents, learners and staff of drakensberg secondary school shall endeavour to:


Promote professional efficiency and excellence in teaching and learning and to strive for quality education in both the academic and sporting fields.


Develop all aspects of life skills so that our learners may be adequately equipped to face challenges of the future and be able to keep abreast with ever changing situations.


Inculcate the necessary attributes in our learners, so that they may develop into noble and honest citizens who will uphold the law, respect the rights of others and be tolerant of the cultures and value systems of others.

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